Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Without God

Where would I be without God?

When I think about that, it horrifies me.  Yet, I know that there are many without Him in their lives.

He is my strength to start each new day.  He is my strength when I am sick or when I am tired.

He is my hope, my refuge, my counselor and my comfort.  He is my everything.

Each new day that dawns is filled with Him.  Each new day brings hope to a believer.  Each new day is a gift that He gave me.

May I bring the light of God's love to someone today.

Use me Lord to give the key to Your Kingdom to someone today.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Yet a Vapor

Yes, we are yet but a vapor in this world.  Too often I know that we do not realize that fact.  Our lives, our time is meant to live in honor of God.  It is meant for us to be witnesses to others but we selfishly spend our time satisfying our flesh.

Oh that we could realize how brief we are here.  That we could grasp every opportunity to share our Jesus with our fellowman.  That we would honor Him with our words and our actions.  That we would REALLY crucify our flesh in exchange for His sacrifice to be our punishment for our sins.

He is our Light in this dark world.  I shutter to think that a person can actually live from day to day without knowing that Light.  I shutter even harder to think that I have failed to take someone by the hand today and lead them to this Light.

But a vapor!  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Life Is Like These Flowers

The pictures of these beautiful flowers was taken yesterday, Monday September 7th and today many of those blooms are gone.  The beautiful pink one was closed and wilted this morning.

Much the same way it is with our lives.  In God's realm of existence we are but a vapor.  Just like these beautiful flowers were no more than a daily vapor.

We should never take our life for granted, we should live each day as if it is the last one on this beautiful earth.  All too often we speak of being bored and yet there is many people that are not here today that would love to show us how to "un-bore" ourselves.

A very good friend lost his father this weekend.  It was unexpected and that makes it tragic.  Oh, the many things, hugs and kisses left unsaid.  The many "I love you" embraces that will never happen.  The beautiful granddaughter that will now grow up not knowing that grandfather.  So much tragedy in the loss of a life.

God gave us this life to enjoy and to share with others and to spend time telling others that we love them.  The rat race style of life that we live now; the dog eat dog style we live, well....death comes and then we feel the tragic loss.  

We need to wake up, reach out and hug someone.  Tell someone you love them.  Offer to help another human being.  DO SOMETHING that makes us worthy of this life we have been granted.

Our heart goes out to my friend and his family.  YES, they were family and they are feeling this tragic loss today. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Our God is good all the time, not just some of the time but every single second of your life.

I often stop and think of the blessing He graciously gives me everyday.  It is true that there is not enough time in a single day to thank Him for everything He has blessed us with.

I don't just mean me either, I mean you and you and you as well.  

All too often we tend to think of a blessing as being a "huge" gift, no, no no.  A blessing is the air you breathe, watching a hummingbird dart about.  Listening to the Cardinal doing his peeping in the evenings.  

Start now recognizing every blessing that your day holds for you.  Then, give thanks to the one who gave you those gifts.  Watch the change in your life, your day and mainly your attitude.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Depraved Movie

 Depraved as a Verb:  to make morally bad or evil; vitiate; corrupt.

Depraved as a Adjective:    corrupt, wicked, or perverted.

Synonyms: evil, sinful, debased, reprobate, degenerate; dissolute, profligate;  licentious,lewd. 

The movie titled 50 Shades can best be described by all of the above.  NO, I have not read the book nor have I seen the movie.  Do I plan to?  Absolutely not.  The saying garbage in/garbage out is very true.  Not exactly using those words, but we are told in the Bible that what we allow ourselves to hear and see, can corrupt our inner selves. When our flesh and minds are fed this deprivation,  our sinful flesh desires to act it out. 

Do you allow your children to watch this corruption?  Of course not!  Do you not realize that your Heavenly Father desires that we not watch it or be exposed to such corrupt, wicked and perverted things?  Believe me, He does not want His children exposed.  With every ticket sold, satan rejoices, because another person has chosen to come over to his dark side.  Don't believe that?  Well, think again!  This movie is the work of satan and his followers.

The sexual act was designed to express physical love between a man and a woman after their union in God's presence.  It was designed to reproduce this world.  It was designed as something to be beautiful and shared out of a deep love and devotion.  WOW, have we not totally messed that up.

When we participate in such lewd and often physically harmful acts, we are telling God that we have chosen our own way of pleasuring our flesh.  

People who watch this filth only add another nail to the wall that separates humans from our Loving God.  Did you add a nail?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jumping the gun!

I really want to be just that....Joyful Always.  But WOW, I do often fail accomplishing that.  

Yesterday I promised a gentlemen that I would help him bid a job for the USACE.  He really caught me off guard as I was getting ready to leave to go to the post office, get gas, grocery shop at 2 different stores, when he ask for my help....get my drift?  I agreed because I really was in too big of a hurry to find out more details about what and where he would be bidding the job for.

Fast forward, I was regretting my hasty decision.  Ill with myself and the unknown person who told him I was an expert at bidding job.  I was not "being joyful" at all.  I had made a date of 2PM today to help him. I was dreading the approaching appointment when he arrived.   Funny, how we "anticipate" what will happen.  Turns out the gentlemen was very nice and really appreciated what help I could give him.   Although I was not familiar with the district he was making a bid for, just a little knowledgeable reading and I had it figured out. 

God wants us to slow down and help others, His word tells us that.   I was jumping the gun and almost lost my blessing from being able to help a fellowman.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sweet Words

"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones".
Proverbs 16:24

How often do we use these gracious words with our friends, strangers and co-workers?  Always?

Yes we do.  But then when it comes to family, the honey supply has depleted and the gracious words all used up.  We snap, crackle and pop at them.  The difference?  We think they have to love us because we are sister, wife, mother and best friend.  These are the people that we should never hurt.  One needs to learn that we can not take the love of another for granted.

Save that "honey" for home.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Pray

One day we are young and then suddenly,  it seems that by the time we lift the mirror to see our reflection, staring back at us is a much older person.  Time stands still for no one.  I pray that everyday of my remaining time, is spent telling others about Christ and what He has done for me and what He can do for others.  I pray that His light shines through me.  I pray that when I finish my days here, God will say welcome home my child.  You have served me well.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

P31 OBS Keep It Shut

I am so excited to begin this Bible Study on January 26th along with around 30,000+ women from around the world.

So thankful to Karen Ehman for writing this book.  I admit, I have a problem with saying harsh things to my loved ones.  The problem continues with my mouth giving out unwanted or un-requested advice.  Gossip has left these lips....oh my word, it just goes on and on.  

I do not spend enough time thinking before my tongue starts wagging.  I pray that this study will open my eyes to see how others see my mouth.  I want to learn to be slow to speak which in turn, will cause me and others to be slow to come to anger.  I especially want to learn to "say nothing at all".

It is not too late to join the study.  You won't regret it!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Living without Labels

Married, divorced or single here, it’s one family that mingles here.
Conservative or liberal here, we’ve all gotta give a little here.
Big or small here, there’s room for us all here.
Doubt or believe here, we all can receive here.
Gay or straight here, there’s no hate here.
Woman or man here, everyone can serve here.
Whatever your race here, for all of us grace here.
In imitation of the ridiculous love Almighty God has for each of us and all of us, let us live and love without labels.