Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Has been much too long since I updated my blog.  The title "Cartwheels" really explains what I feel like me and my sweetie have been doing since the 15th of July. 

A week after the diagnosis we met with the Radiation Oncologist.  While doing his exam he felt a rough spot on the colon wall so, another appointment had to be made with a surgeon.

Met with the surgeon today (26th) and a colonospy is now scheduled for the 3rd of August.  Went to the hospital and had the pre-admission papers filled out to speed things along.

Meanwhile, the Radiation Oncologist has scheduled a ultrasound of the prostate to be done on the 10th of August.  He told us that normally after the ultrasound is done then the seeds of radiation will be planted 2 weeks later.  OF COURSE, if the colonospy reveals a problem, then all the above schedules will change.

Now, do you see the reason I say that I feel like we have been turning cartwheels??  Our lives are very topsy turvy at the moment. 

Our God is still in complete control of the situation and we are both very much at peace with all these procedures.  So many wonderful friends and all the family are praying for my sweetheart.

I can honestly say there have been very few times that I have felt fear in the past few days.  I did feel fear and a sick feeling when the Radiation Oncologist found the spot on the colon.  Since my husband lost a sister to colorectal cancer;  another sister to lung cancer and then a third is a survivor of colon cancer.....you understand why I would have fear??

But still, my God is in total control.  I put my faith in Him and I leave my problems in his protective care.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweet Spirit

God's sweet, sweet Spirit was with us today when the doctor confirmed what we already knew deep in our hearts.  My sweet George has prostate cancer.

I would have told you a few years ago that if a doctor told me, that me, my husband, or one of my children or grandchildren had cancer that I would have collapsed, cried, thrown up, screamed....that list goes on and on.  You see, that was before.  Before I really studied God's love letter to me, before I put my complete faith and trust in Him. 

God said that He would give me a peace that transcends any human understanding.  He gave me that peace and it is a peace that does surpass human understanding.  The doctor could testify to that, as could many of our family members and friends.  People are having a hard time understanding how we are being so calm about a diagnosis of cancer.  Our God and His love for us is so much greater than cancer cells. 

God's word tells us,  all the things that He can and will do for us.  All that He ask us to do is believe, such a simple little word...believe.  It really takes no effort, just trust and faith.  I have both and I BELIEVE! 

There are no words to describe the peace that my sweet George and I feel tonight.  This won't necessarily be a easy battle, however, God did promise to fight the battle for us.   If we just BELIEVE in Him, then He will do the rest.  AND I BELIEVE.

Yes, that sweet, sweet Spirit of God has not left us.  He said that He would be with us now and always....and my friend, I BELIEVE HIM.

There is blessings to be found with every storm in our lives.  I can already see blessings as my faith, trust and love for God gets stronger and stronger.  My husband and I have always had such a very, very close relationship.  I would have said earlier that there was no way we could get any stronger in our love for each other, however, this has drawn us even closer than before. 

I love living my life with God's Spirit with me, there is no peace like His peace and I love it!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Moving Mountains

I have read and studied the Bible for quite a number of years, however, I  recently had one of those "aha" moments when a light went off in my head.  YES, I GET IT!! 

In the Bible, God tells us that if we had faith that was strong enough that we could command a mountain to move and it WOULD MOVE......I have faith, I have strong faith but I just never saw a need to move a mountain, after all, where would I tell it to go?? 

I FINALLY got the point He was making, it is not a literal mountain that our faith could move, but, the mountains in our lives.  Just like the mountain that George and I found ourselves standing in front of lately.  That huge mountain of FEAR....guess what???  Our faith in our Lord and Savior along with our prayers and the many, many prayers of friends and family has literally moved that mountain from our lives.  Instead, in front of us now is a peaceful, green valley filled with wild flowers, birds, butterflies and a gentle clean stream.  We met God in that valley and He held us in His hands and gave us the assurance that if we leave that mountain with Him that He will be faithful to keep it out of our lives.  We gave it to Him and now we only face that beautiful garden of peace.

Thank you sweet Jesus for your blessed assurance that anything we might face in this health crisis won't be faced alone, but, we will face it with Your hand in ours.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Biopsy Done

On the 7th we went for the pre-op meeting with the doctor and then yesterday we were back again for the biopsy.  Very surprised that they allowed me to stay in the room with George while the biopsy was being done. 

12 samples were taken to be sent to the lab to be analyzed.  The report should be back next Friday or the following Monday at the latest.  Now, the wait begins.  What ever the results might be, we know that God has a reason and a purpose for allowing this occurence in our lives.  We were not meant to understand or question the reason why.  It has certainly drawn us closer to God, even when I felt that I couldn't get any closer.  In His time, all things will be revealed to us; not a day too soon or too late, but in His timing.

Both of us were at complete peace yesterday; matter of fact, we are still at peace both mentally and spiritually.  There have been so many, many prayers said for us and the situation we are facing.  The Peace I feel actually transcends any human explanation, just as God's word says will happen; if and when we put our total and complete faith in Him and give Him our worries and troubles.

We shall patiently wait for the scientic evaluation of the biopsy, while we are standing firm in God's hands.  There is sweet peace to be had from this sweet Spirit.