Saturday, August 6, 2011

In Awe

 I stand in awe and complete reverence of the miracle that my Heavenly Father has given to my sweet husband.  This miracle also effected every family member and friend of the family.

The colonospy that I had mentioned George had to have on the 3rd turned out to be a real "life saver for him".  They found a huge mass that was growing out from the wall of the colon.  However, the mass WAS NOT what the Radiologist had felt.  What he felt was just a small polup that was easily removed.  This mass was located at the end of the large colon where it connects to the small colon.

The surgeon came and talked to me after she finished the colonospy and told me she was admitting him immediately and would do surgery the next day.  She was 90% positive that it was cancerous.

I could not breathe, I started hyperventilating, I was afraid, I wanted to cry, I wanted to run, I had to tell my husband this terrible news.

He had no problems that would have indicated such a monster growing in the colon.  The fact that his father died with colon cancer and one sister was a colon cancer survivor, another died of colorectal cancer and yet another died with lung cancer REALLY put fear in our hearts.

God had not had the final word and believe me, until He speaks the final word, then no sentence is complete. 

I fell heavily onto Him, my heart cried out as my mind swirled.  Fear was gripping my mind as I clung tighter and tighter onto God's hand and His comfort.

Surgery was performed around 1PM on Thursday.  We were prepared for the worst when the surgeon met us in the consultation room to say.....NO CANCER WAS FOUND!!!  Praise God....Yes, my Heavenly Father had said the final cancer in this colon....He is my Lord and my Savior, my strength, my hope, my refuge.  He carries me when I can't walk, He lights my path, He lifts me up when I fall.  I thank you God, I praise you God. I worship you God.

Had the mass not been found and removed the chances of it turning into cancer was about 100%. 

God used a lot of people to get this problem taken care of.  He used 4 doctors and lots of events to bring the final curtain down on this performance.  I stand in complete awe and am totally amazed at the way He performs.

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