Why do I feel like this???? The phone call we received from the Urologist is not one we wanted to receive. My husband's PSA numbers have increased considerably over the last 3 weeks, instead of the increase in milligrams of the medication improving the numbers.....they INCREASED.
Now, instead of trying a antibiotic or a different medication as the doctor indicated 10 days ago that he wanted to do; he has now decided to go to the last step and do a biopsy in 10 days.
I am frightened and I don't like this feeling, that is not easy for me to admit. However, I have God. I have really got to draw deep from His well of comfort. I have got to give this fear over to Him. Only He can handle this problem. I proved today that I have no strength on my own to be a support to my husband when actually I am crumbling myself.
I have to ASK for His help and guidance. I have to KNOCK and He will open that door of peace and comfort for me. I have to SEEK Him with all my heart and with complete faith, He will be there for me and George.
God, let me rest my weary head upon your chest and bring me a feeling of peace; then and only then will I be able to give my husband the strength and support that he needs.
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