I am doing a Bible Study on the book Unglued, written by Lysa TerKeurst. Lysa is President of Proverbs 31 Ministry. This is one godly, energetic, enthusiastic, encouraging woman who does not mind taking her mistakes in life and sharing them with millions of woman in an effort to help them not make the same mistakes. For the readers who have lived the life of a sometimes Unglued mother, wife and friend, she want to help them be over comers.
When I read a book by Lysa, I can visually imagine she and God walking hand in hand as he tries to console her. This is just after she has had one of her Unglued, word spewing hissy fits with whoever has pushed her too far.
Lysa is so straightly led by the Lord in her life and in her books. This woman talks to God, she hears God speaking to her through His Spirit and then she acts on his leading.
She shares her ups and downs on becoming unglued, boldly sharing as she leaves herself exposed for others to read about. All of this she does with one goal in mind, to save others from the pain and regret that comes from becoming Unglued.
There is currently around 15,000 women in this Bible Study that is taught by Melissa Taylor, who is the Online Bible Studies Leader, another amazing, godly, energetic, enthusiastic and encouraging woman. When you watch her videos, you can feel her excitement about leading others in these studies.
While you are at it, check out the Proverbs 31 Ministry website. I have added the link below. There are many godly women working for this Ministry located in Charlotte, NC.
This book will have you wondering just when Lysa was in your house, watching you, hearing you become unglued. Because friend I do promise you that you will see yourself in almost every episode that she talks about in these first couple of chapters that we are studying this week.
There is so many wonderful quotes from Lysa in her book. Everything is backed up with scripture that she teaches us. Some of my favorite quotes in the first chapter is:
Progress. Nothing More. Nothing Less. No Quick Fixes.
“Imperfect changes are slow steps of progress wrapped in grace…imperfect progress.”
“God gave me emotions so I could experience life, not destroy it.”
“We can’t always fix our circumstances, but we can fix our thoughts on God.”
“I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.”
Quotes by LysaTerKeurst
I love this because anytime we go from Pit Black angry to Snow White calm, there is lots of gray shades to travel through from the black to white, it takes progress, lots of Imperfect Progress. But as long as we are making progress, we will get there, we will learn to stop speaking, before we start spewing.
God's love and light shines outward from these 2 ladies. They take their wisdom and share with you and me in these Bible Studies.
All you need is a computer and a book. Hey, if you have a computer it is easy to find the book. Checkout Proverbs 31 Minister as they have the book available. As does Amazon and I have not check but even WallyWorld might have them. And of course, all of the local Christian stores most likely have them on the shelf. After all, it has been on the Wall Street Journal Best Book #1 slot for weeks.
It's all about learning, having fun, fellowship and worship. God is Good. Join us.
http://melissataylor.org/ (look for sign up info on the right hand sidebar)
http://lysaterkeurst.com/ (The amazing author of Unglued)
Geez, how many times can you say amazing in one blog post???