Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweet Spirit

God's sweet, sweet Spirit was with us today when the doctor confirmed what we already knew deep in our hearts.  My sweet George has prostate cancer.

I would have told you a few years ago that if a doctor told me, that me, my husband, or one of my children or grandchildren had cancer that I would have collapsed, cried, thrown up, screamed....that list goes on and on.  You see, that was before.  Before I really studied God's love letter to me, before I put my complete faith and trust in Him. 

God said that He would give me a peace that transcends any human understanding.  He gave me that peace and it is a peace that does surpass human understanding.  The doctor could testify to that, as could many of our family members and friends.  People are having a hard time understanding how we are being so calm about a diagnosis of cancer.  Our God and His love for us is so much greater than cancer cells. 

God's word tells us,  all the things that He can and will do for us.  All that He ask us to do is believe, such a simple little word...believe.  It really takes no effort, just trust and faith.  I have both and I BELIEVE! 

There are no words to describe the peace that my sweet George and I feel tonight.  This won't necessarily be a easy battle, however, God did promise to fight the battle for us.   If we just BELIEVE in Him, then He will do the rest.  AND I BELIEVE.

Yes, that sweet, sweet Spirit of God has not left us.  He said that He would be with us now and always....and my friend, I BELIEVE HIM.

There is blessings to be found with every storm in our lives.  I can already see blessings as my faith, trust and love for God gets stronger and stronger.  My husband and I have always had such a very, very close relationship.  I would have said earlier that there was no way we could get any stronger in our love for each other, however, this has drawn us even closer than before. 

I love living my life with God's Spirit with me, there is no peace like His peace and I love it!!

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