A week after the diagnosis we met with the Radiation Oncologist. While doing his exam he felt a rough spot on the colon wall so, another appointment had to be made with a surgeon.
Met with the surgeon today (26th) and a colonospy is now scheduled for the 3rd of August. Went to the hospital and had the pre-admission papers filled out to speed things along.
Meanwhile, the Radiation Oncologist has scheduled a ultrasound of the prostate to be done on the 10th of August. He told us that normally after the ultrasound is done then the seeds of radiation will be planted 2 weeks later. OF COURSE, if the colonospy reveals a problem, then all the above schedules will change.
Now, do you see the reason I say that I feel like we have been turning cartwheels?? Our lives are very topsy turvy at the moment.
Our God is still in complete control of the situation and we are both very much at peace with all these procedures. So many wonderful friends and all the family are praying for my sweetheart.
I can honestly say there have been very few times that I have felt fear in the past few days. I did feel fear and a sick feeling when the Radiation Oncologist found the spot on the colon. Since my husband lost a sister to colorectal cancer; another sister to lung cancer and then a third is a survivor of colon cancer.....you understand why I would have fear??
But still, my God is in total control. I put my faith in Him and I leave my problems in his protective care.