Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am always humbled by the way that God loves me and provides for me and my spouse.  He can be counted on to come through everytime.  Maybe not in my preferred timing, but always in His perfect timing.

Everyday gives us new hope on our financial situation.  God started a mighty work in helping us to recover and He is not finished. 

I pray that I will be receptive to His promptings to "stop circling this mountain and walk straight away".

Some time ago I posted on this blog that I was at the lowerest point I have ever been at, let me tell you something!!!!....that is when you cry out to God and He reaches down and lifts you slowly and gently from the deepest crevice of your pit.  I am not solid yet but this Rock that I stand on is solid through and through.

When I say I am nothing without Him, please know that is exactly what I mean.  Maybe I had become guilty of being full of "myself" and full of "my own strength" but Praise God, He brought me back to a place I need to be.  The journey has been bruising and hard to take sometime but He brought me through it alive and healed.

God does not allow me a language that would adequately describe my love for Him and my praises to Him.  That is why He gave us the Holy Spirit to make moaning and groanings when we could not find the words that we need to communicate our feelings to our Abba Father.  

Many times a day I can feel my heart swell and overflow with my love for Him.  Have you ever seen a child that squeals and claps their hands while jumping up and down with excitement????   that child is me and that happens to me when I think about my loving, forgiving, providing Father.  I love that feeling and the fact that I am 66 years old doesn't make any difference to my Father, He still sees me as a small child of His.  Thank you Jesus! 

Monday, May 9, 2011


I have been "absent with out leave".  When I started this blog my intentions was to post several times a week, however, life got in the way.  Good life, bad life, inbetween life, just plain life in general took over my being and I failed to keep my blog going.

So, here I am, beginning once again.

Life really has been a struggle with so much financial stress on my husband and I since the summer of last year.  Then it finally hit rock bottom a few months ago.

Except for the love and grace of God and the supporting grace of some very, very special women in my life, I don't know what would have happened to me and my sweet husband. 

God interceded by placing this unlikely group of ladies right smack in the middle of my situation and they have helped thru monies, prayers and love to get us out of the "pit" and back to climbing out of the deep, dark hole we were in.

I can never, ever, thank God enough for what He has done for us.  I pray we are on the road to recovering and overcoming our dire situation that we were in.

Nothing that I have done in my human form and mind deserves the rich blessings that I have been receiving.  I find that I am actually going to sleep at night and getting rest, not constantly waking up and worrying and wondering what is going to happen to us!!

We still have a long way to go, however, not near as far as it was 6 months ago. 

Since I quit smoking in 2003 I have put on weight.  A couple of times I got some of it off but then invariably winter arrived and I put on the proverbial "7+" pounds.  This past year was no exception, so, I am back to watching what I put in my mouth and trying to get back to an exercise program. 

The first 4 months of this year has been hard on me both financially and physically.  I am having more problems with my hips and left leg.  I know a lot of the physical problem is from the extra weight I am carrying around. 

I want so desperately to get back down to around 130 lbs and maintain it there.  It will take a lot more work on my part but I am in prayer that getting some of the financial stress off of me that I will be able to move forward with the weight loss and then weight control.

Bearing my soul here it seems. 

If you don't know God please let me know as I would love to introduce you to Him.  He can do for you what He has done for me and the best part is that He wants to!!